Saturday, April 2, 2011

My life summed up from the past 4 months home...

For the past 4 months I have been home in the good ole' freezing land of the North. I thought when I came home I would be spending time with friends at different colleges, and hanging out with old friends that were still in high school and basically just having a blast. Seeing as I only have 13 days left in the Midwest I was trying to think of what I DID do while I was here (which barely included friends...)

 1. WORK (para sub)
I thought I would never have to go back after 8th grade...

2. WORK (Noodles)

3. WORK (Adaptive Park and Rec) ((A days work was not complete without someone calling me sister or trying to make a move))
One of my favorite kids ever!

4. Babysitting

5. Hung out with my dogs more than is probably mentally healthy
Who wouldn't wanna hang out with these guys?

6. Nursed this guy back to health. (He really wasn't that sick...)
He's feeling himself again :)

7. Exercised less than 10 times

8. Lost myself in books...
Made me hope I was a Demigod...
Made me wish I was a Dragon Rider

9. Hung out with Orion on multiple nights when I had nothing to do...
10. Watched about a million episodes of Psych. 
11. Unsuccessfully tried to convince my parents that I should have a wolf and/or a Fennec fox...

Overall the past few months have FLOWN by faster than I can even comprehend. I have SO much left to do before I leave and only a short time to do everything. I resolve to do something new and different everyday until the day I leave so I won't regret anything. I guess we'll just have to sit and see how well this resolve goes... 

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